National Seeds Corporation Ltd. (NSC) is a Schedule ‘B’-Miniratna Category-I company wholly owned by Government of India under the administrative control of Department of Agriculture & Farmer’s Welfare, Ministry of Agriculture and Farmer's Welfare. NSC was established in Mar.-1963 to undertake production of foundation and certified seeds. At present NSC is undertaking production of certified seeds of nearly 600 varieties of 60 crops consisting of Cereals, Pulses, oilseeds, Fiber, Fodder, Green Manure and Vegetables, in its Farms and through its registered seed growers. There are 5 Farms and 12500 registered seed growers all over the country who are undertaking the seed production programmes in different agro-climatic conditions. Total Revenue of NSC for the F.Y. 2023-24 was 1,182.47 crores.

There are 11 Regional Offices, 5 Farms having 22,000 hectares land, 48 Area Offices & Sub-Units, 30 Seed Production Centre and 107 Marketing Centres of the Corporation spread all over the country. Emphasis is given for production of oil seeds, pulses and hybrids including vegetables. NSC has established strict Quality Control procedure to ensure supply of quality seeds to farmers. NSC has established 4 Quality Control Laboratories, one each at New Delhi, Secunderabad, Bhopal and Suratgarh to undertake seed testing to check the quality of seeds. At QCL North a seperate DNA Fingerprinting Laboratory has been established to check the Genetic Purity standards of the Foundation seeds and Hybrid Seeds. Besides, production and distribution of quality seeds, NSC is also involved in the production of Tissue Culture Plants like Banana. It also undertakes supply of seedlings & saplings of fruits crops from elite progeny orchards at its farms. Seed marketing is carried out through different channels namely sale through dealers & distributors, Government (State & Central), through NSC owned Sale counters and the Kisan Melas. There are about 2500 dealers of the Corporation who account for more than 43% of the sale turn over.

In the diversification front, NSC has commenced Fish Seed production at its Suratgarh (Rajasthan) and Raichur (Karnataka) farms. NSC has established Fodder Block making unit also at its Raichur Farm, which ensure effective utilization of crop residues for quality fodder for animals.

NSC has developed various infrastructure facilities at its Farms like Micro Irrigation Systems, Water Conservation, Farm Mechanization, Threshing Floors, Seed Processing Plants, and Seed Storgae Godowns. NSC has developed infrastructure facilities of Seed Processing Plants and Seed Storage Godowns at relevant locations at its Regional offices and Area offices. All these infrastructure facilities help in production of quality seed.

NSC plays a key role in the implementation of various schemes of the Govt. of India like “National Mission on Oil Seed and Oil Palm (NMOOP)”, “National Food Security Mission (NFSM)” and “Mission for Integrated Development of Horticulture (MIDH). NSC also provides technical support to the seed producing agencies including State Seed Corporations by imparting training of personnel engaged in the production of seeds in those organizations. NSC is the nodal agency for the implementation of the Central Sector Scheme to create infrastructure facilities for establishment of processing plants and storage godowns in different states in the private sectors. NSC is also involved in exports of seeds across the world especially in SAARC Countries and African countries. The SAARC seed bank maintained by NSC with the grant in aid of the Govt. of India holds larger quantity of seeds of different crops & varieties that are meant to meet the demand that arises during natural calamities like flood, drought etc. NSC also takes care to meet the demand for quality seed of the farmers in the interior parts of the country like North Eastern States & other hilly regions.

With the launching of the National Seed Project (NSP) in 1974, NSC was assigned the lead role to develop the seed industry in the country on sound lines. NSC has also contributed in the establishment of various State Seed Corporations under the NSP during seventies.